NCBI Summary:
CpG methylation is an epigenetic modification that is important for embryonic development, imprinting, and X-chromosome inactivation. Studies in mice have demonstrated that DNA methylation is required for mammalian development. This gene encodes a DNA methyltransferase which is thought to function in de novo methylation, rather than maintenance methylation. The protein localizes primarily to the nucleus and its expression is developmentally regulated. Mutations in this gene cause the immunodeficiency-centromeric instability-facial anomalies (ICF) syndrome. Six alternatively spliced transcript variants have been described. The full length sequences of variants 4 and 5 have not been determined.
General function
Enzyme, Transferase
, Epigenetic modifications
Bovine DNA Methylation Imprints Are Established in an Oocyte Size-Specific Manner, Which Are Coordinated with the Expression of the DNMT3 Family Proteins. O'Doherty AM et al. A subset of genes, known as imprinted genes, is present in the mammalian genome. Genomic imprinting governs the monoallelic expression of these genes depending on whether the gene was inherited from the sperm or the egg. This parent-of-origin specific gene expression is generally dependent on the epigenetic modification, DNA methylation, and the DNA methylation status of CpG dinucleotides residing in loci known as differentially methylated regions (DMRs). The enzymatic machinery responsible for the addition of methyl (-CH(3)) groups to the cytosine residue in the CpG dinucleotides are known as the DNA methyltransferases (DNMTs). Correct establishment and maintenance of methylation patterns at imprinted genes has been associated with placental function and regulation of embryonic/fetal development. Much work has been carried out on imprinted genes in mouse and human, however little is known about the methylation dynamics in the bovine oocyte. The primary objective of the present study was to characterize the establishment of methylation at maternally imprinted genes in bovine growing oocytes and to determine if the expression of the bovine DNA methyltransferases, DNMT3A, DNMT3B, and DNMT3L, is coordinated with DNA methylation during oocyte development. To this end a panel of maternally imprinted genes was selected (SNRPN, MEST, IGF2R, PEG10, and PLAGL1), putative DMRs for MEST, IGF2R, PEG10, and PLAGL1 were identified within the 5' regions for each gene, the SNRPN DMR has been reported previously. Conventional bisulfite sequencing (BiS) revealed that methylation marks were acquired, at all five DMRs investigated, in an oocyte size dependent fashion. This was confirmed for a selection of genes using pyrosequencing analysis (PyS). Furthermore, mRNA expression and protein analysis revealed that the DNA methyltransferases, DNMT3A, DNMT3B, and DNMT3L, are also present in the bovine oocyte during its growth phase. This study demonstrates for the first time that an increase in bovine imprinted gene DMR methylation occurs during oocyte growth, as is observed in mouse.
Cellular localization
Ovarian function
Early embryo development
Dynamic regulation of DNA methyltransferases in human oocytes and preimplantation embryos after assisted reproductive technologies. Petrussa L 2014 et al.
DNA methylation is a key epigenetic modification which is essential for normal embryonic development. Major epigenetic reprogramming takes place during gametogenesis and in the early embryo; the complex DNA methylation patterns are established and maintained by DNA methyltransferases (DNMTs). However the influence of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) on DNA methylation reprogramming enzymes has predominantly been studied in mice and less so in human oocytes and embryos. The expression and localization patterns of the four known DNMTs were analysed in human oocytes and IVF/ICSI embryos by immunocytochemistry and compared between a reference group of good quality fresh embryos and groups of abnormally developing embryos or embryo groups after cryopreservation. In humans, DNMT1o rather than DNMT1s seems to be the key player for maintaining methylation in early embryos. DNMT3b, rather than DNMT3a and DNMT3L, appears to ensure global DNA remethylation in the blastocysts before implantation. DNMT3L, an important regulator of maternal imprint methylation in mouse, was not detected in human oocytes (GV, MI and MII stage). Our study confirms the existence of species differences for mammalian DNA methylation enzymes. In poor quality fresh embryos, the switch towards nuclear DNMT3b expression was delayed and nuclear DNMT1, DNMT1s and DNMT3b expression was less common. Compared to the reference embryos, a smaller number of cryopreserved embryos showed nuclear DNMT1, while a delayed switch to nuclear DNMT3b and an extended DNMT1s temporal expression pattern were also observed. The spatial and temporal expression patterns of DNMTs seem to be disturbed in abnormally developing embryos and in embryos that have been cryopreserved. Further research must be performed in order to understand whether the potentially disturbed embryonic DNMT expression after cryopreservation has any long-term developmental consequences.
Expression regulated by
Ovarian localization
Imprinted genes are differentially marked during germ cell development to allow for their eventual parent-of-origin specific expression. A subset of imprinted genes becomes methylated during oocyte growth in both mouse and human. However the timing and mechanisms of methylation acquisition are unknown. Lucifero et al examined the methylation of the Snrpn, Igf2r, Peg1 and Peg3 differentially methylated regions in postnatal growing mouse oocytes. Our findings indicate that methylation was acquired asynchronously at these different genes. Further analysis of Snrpn DMR1 revealed that parental alleles retain an epigenetic memory of their origin as the two alleles were recognized in a parental-specific manner in the absence of DNA methylation. In addition, we show that methylation acquisition was likely related to oocyte diameter and coincided with the accumulation of Dnmt3a, Dnmt3b and Dnmt3L transcripts. Methylation of the repetitive retroviral-like intracisternal A particle also occurred during this same window of oocyte growth. These findings contribute to our understanding of the epigenetic mechanisms underlying imprint acquisition during female germ cell development and have implications for the practice of assisted reproductive technologies.