Nucleoside diphosphate kinase (Ndk) is an important enzyme that generates nucleoside triphosphates (NTPs) or their deoxy derivatives by terminal phosphotransfer from an NTP such as ATP or GTP to any nucleoside diphosphate or its deoxy derivative Chakrabarty (1998) .
General function
Enzyme, Transferase
Cellular localization
Ovarian function
Expression regulated by
Ovarian localization
In eucaryotes, this kinase may exist as a hetero- or homohexamer. Ouatas et al., (1998) examined the distribution of the enzyme and its different subunit mRNAs during oogenesis in Xenopus laevis, by immunohistofluorescence. These analyses showed that NDPKs and their mRNAs are differentially distributed throughout the oocyte. The proteins are mainly localized in the nucleus, suggesting a new mechanism for their nuclear import, since they do not possess any known nuclear import sequences.